
Mastering the Art of Streak-Free Window Cleaning

Written by Dave Bisgrove | May 6, 2024 4:15:57 AM

Discover the secrets to achieving perfectly clear and streak-free windows with these professional tips.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Tools and Solutions

To achieve a streak-free finish, it's crucial to use the right cleaning tools and solutions. Surprisingly, the best cleaning solution is also what you use to clean your dishes, dish washing liquid cuts through any dirt and grease on the window. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can leave streaks or damage the windows. You just need a little dash of dish wash liquid in some water to get started. When it comes to cleaning tools, a squeegee is highly recommended for achieving a streak-free finish. Make sure to choose a squeegee with a soft rubber blade around 10-12 inches long will do. If your using an old squeegee make sure the rubber is in good condition with no dings or chips in the rubber. A 12 inch mop is best to wetting the window, ensuring your mop is clean and free from debris is upmost important to avoid scratching the glass. You will also need two lint free cloths for detailing the edges of the windows once you have used the squeegee.

Techniques for a Streak-Free Finish

When it comes to cleaning your windows, the technique is key to achieving a streak-free finish. Start by wetting the window surface with the cleaning solution using the mop. Make sure to cover the entire surface evenly, scrubbing any marks on the glass. Next, use the squeegee to remove the cleaning solution from the window. Start from the top and work your way down in a straight, vertical motion. To avoid streaks, tilt the squeegee one way so the water runs away from the dry glass. Wipe the squeegee blade with a clean cloth after each pass to avoid streaks. For the edges and corners, use a clean microfiber cloth or towel to carefully remove any remaining solution or streaks. Finally, wipe the window frame and sill with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or residue.

Focus on Detailing and Drying

To achieve a truly streak-free finish, it's important to focus on the details and ensure thorough drying. After using the squeegee, carefully inspect the window surface for any remaining streaks or spots. If necessary, use a clean microfiber cloth or towel to gently buff and polish the glass. Pay special attention to the edges and corners, as they are more prone to streaking. Additionally, make sure to dry the window frame and sill with a clean cloth to prevent water spots or damage.

Maintaining Streak-Free Windows

Once you've achieved streak-free windows, it's important to maintain their cleanliness for a longer-lasting shine. Regularly dust and vacuum the window sills and frames to prevent dirt or debris buildup. Avoid touching the glass surface with dirty hands or leaving fingerprints. If necessary, spot clean any smudges or marks using a small amount of the cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth.


If you're ready to say goodbye to streaks and hello to sparkling clean windows, let us take care of all your window cleaning. Book our professional services below to ensure your windows shine like never before.